Video Gaming

How do players benefit from game cybersecurity?

girl gamer on playstation

Gaming is the classic kick-back-and-relax activity that many individuals enjoy. Whether collaborating or playing solo, gamers enjoy sharing gameplay moments and engaging with their co-players. What keeps them coming back to the game is therefore not only the game content but also a fair competitive environment. This explains the significance of game cybersecurity.

What are gamers’ benefits from protected gaming environments?

With effective game cybersecurity, studios and developers are able to provide the best playing environment where players can engage with their favorite games. Here are the four key benefits that gamers can experience in a protected gaming landscape.

1. A thriving gaming experience

When a title is protected by game protection software, the positive competitive state of the game is looked after. This means that there is an equal and fair environment for the players to express their skills, flash their achievements and engage harmoniously with one another.

2. Positive feedback loops

When gamers believe that the developer is actively putting effort into game cybersecurity, ensuring a secure gaming experience, they feel noticed and are more likely to provide good feedback. Their positive communication with the developer increases their excitement to continue playing the game if they notice their suggestions being implemented, even if only subtly.

3. The safety of purchasing and enjoying downloadable content

When a game is loved, the player will not stop playing after completing the main content. They will yearn for gameplay expansions that are often acquired by buying Downloadable Content (DLC). This makes securing DLCs more important than ever.

When DLCs are protected with game protection software, gamers can rest assured that they will receive malware-free, high-quality additional gameplay content to enjoy.

4. Public Beta Environments (PBEs)

Hardcore fans of the game are always willing to get involved with the testing process. As an incentive and reward for good behavior, gamers can sign up for the PBE where they can play the beta versions of new characters or test weapons before the public release.

When the gamer is happy and positively occupied, the game title will be active for longer, leading to more license sales and revenue through in-game purchases.

Why can game cybersecurity create an ideal gaming environment?

The ideal gaming environment is one where all gamers feel they are treated fairly. Where they can compete with the natural differences in skill gaps or laugh with one another at funny moments when fat-fingering the button combination.

Unfortunately, there are always dishonest players who choose to ruin that experience for everyone by giving themselves an unfair upper hand. Typically, gamers will attempt to figure out whether they have encountered a hacker, or just an extremely talented player (they’re known to exist), before growing increasingly frustrated and logging off. As many as 77% of gamers will leave a game permanently if they regularly encounter cheaters. 

For that reason, a gaming environment that is well-protected by game protection software makes for an uplifting experience that inspires fun and laughter for all gamers.

How can developers ensure game cybersecurity?

The best approach to ensuring an optimal gaming atmosphere is by having a solid strategy for dealing with hackers and other game-breaking scenarios. By incorporating game protection software, the pirated distribution of malware-infested copies can be limited.

Additionally, developers can adopt a transparent communication style, where they can make players feel like they are part of the discussion. Successful studios opt for ‘Dev Blogs’ where they give the reader a technical look at what’s happening behind the scenes, from level designs to the incorporation of anti-cheat software, at what privilege level it runs and how upcoming changes can benefit all players in the gaming sphere.

Are you a developer looking to protect your game?

Reach out to us and tell us more about your upcoming title!


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