
PC Game Protection

Keeping your games fair and your revenue safe

Protecting your games from hackers and cheaters

The growth of the video games industry is only matched by the growth of piracy and cheating.

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Top tricks used to cheat in video games

Aim bots
Ensures cheaters automatically have perfect aim at any opponent.
Trigger bots
Causes the cheater's weapons to automatically fire when their target is in the crosshairs.
Wall hacks
Makes walls and other obstacles transparent so cheaters can see hidden threats or targets.
Camera hacks
Gives cheaters a wider view of the game world than other players or than the developer intended.
Lag switches
Delays an opponent's action so the cheater has advantage.
On-screen visuals show advantageous information (opponent's health/position).
Eliminates challenging elements of the game to make the cheater's life easier.
Gives cheaters a map showing the location of opponents, items, power-ups etc.
Gives immediate access to characters, achievements or costumes that must usually be bought or earned.
Drop hacks
Disconnects the cheater just before they lose a game or disconnects opponents to make game play easier.
Artificially boosts win rates/rankings by using fake accounts or opponents who agree to lose.
Currency manipulation 
Gives cheaters easy access to currency via coin farms while everyone else must earn or buy it.
Allows cheaters to automatically respond perfectly and instantly to opponent actions.

Operational statistics


applications protected

1.1 billion

licenses issued

500 million

PCs validated

Protecting your PC games and revenue


Denuvo Anti-Tamper

Trusted by major AAA game publishers, it helps to secure your game and revenue during the initial sales window, so that you can enjoy the profit and reinvest in new and exciting games.

We offer an industry-leading crack-free window without requiring an always-online connection.


Denuvo Anti-Cheat

Real-time detection of cheating in competitive multiplayer games and backend reports that you can review to assess player activity, browse cheat evidence and decide how to respond to cheaters.


Irdeto License Management

Enabling a secure way to distribute games over new channels besides existing platforms. You can create your own PC platform (Windows, Linux and/or macOS), save up to 30% of the revenue typically paid to the platform providers and keep full control over the distribution.


Nintendo Switch Emulator Protection

Protect your Nintendo Switch game and your valuable income against PC emulation by an efficient detection of different behavior between the emulator and hardware. Block PC emulation with no impact on the gaming experience.

Identifying and protecting vulnerabilities


Before we implement protection on your game, our expert team profiles it to find important yet not performance-critical functions for protection.

We combine the profiling data collected with static analysis to find the optimal setup for your game protection. You perform a final performance review on the game to be sure there is no impact on the gaming experience.


Cyber Services: Gaming and beyond


Need proactive, flexible and responsive protection of your game, other software, brand and revenue from evolving threats?

Our experienced global Cyber Services team provides you with actionable insights into threats, protects your online brand and revenue, enforces copyright IP rights against pirates, identifies and advises on how to address security vulnerabilities and offers a 24/7 incident response hotline support with the capability for forensic investigations.

Integrate in minutes, not days

Hassle-free implementation and deployment with no game source code modification required
– and no effect to legitimate gamers’ experience.


Frequently asked questions

Can Denuvo Anti-Cheat detect cheaters and report them back to me?

Yes, the solution transparently detects cheaters and gives you a real-time view of the cheat data. You also get access to a cloud-based web application that provides configuration, monitoring and investigation tools.

Is anti-tamper difficult to apply?

Quite the opposite – Denuvo Anti-Tamper plugs into the build pipeline with no modifications made to a game’s source code. You can easily add protection before your game is released and it can co-exist with any additional security solutions you choose to have.

Does anti-tamper technology cause performance issues and high CPU usage?

No, there’s no in-game performance impact caused by the addition of anti-tamper. Using anti-tamper technology actually preserves the quality of the game and overall user experience.

Will anti-tamper work with the latest version of the platform that I’m using to develop my game?

Yes, Denuvo Anti-Tamper supports a broad range of platforms to provide a high level of compatibility. We test every game title for compatibility with our technology, even for very old devices.

Is there an activation limit for games using anti-tamper?

Yes, to prevent brute-force attacks on the games, there is a limit to the number of activations allowed in each period – it is 5 systems within 24 hours, which should not impact legitimate customers.

Learn more about Denuvo PC Game Protection


Busting the top 8 myths about Anti-Tamper technology for PC and console games


Cyber Services for Video Gaming

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