Irdeto CrossCharge

Cryptographic keys and certificates for Electric Vehicles (EVs) and charging

Provide your customers with a smooth charging experience through a holistic, reliable and secure charging ecosystem designed with and for you.

Irdeto CrossCharge – a cutting-edge, modular product line designed to cater to the diverse needs of the EV charging ecosystem. Whether you’re a Charge Point Operator (CPO), Mobility Service Provider (MSP), or an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), Irdeto CrossCharge delivers cryptographic keys and certificates ensuring secure and seamless EV charging experiences.


Open and standardized

Wherever available, we use open and standardized protocols.



You can use our services individually or in combination with each other.


Reliable and scalable

We already manage 2+ billion keys and 350+ million certificates globally.


Secure and compliant

We are ISO 15118-2-, ISO 15118-20- and ISO 27001-compliant.

At Irdeto we offer cybersecurity solution for the complete EV charging ecosystem

From EV, CPO to critical infrastructure


Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) root


The foundational trust layer for secure EV charging, perfect for organizations managing their cryptographic keys and credentials in-house.

Irdeto CrossCharge


Key Lifecycle Management Service (KLMS) + V2G root

For those seeking comprehensive management of crypto keys and credentials, this option offers the flexibility and security required for seamless operations.




Certificate pools


Ensures cross-root interoperability for Plug & Charge, simplifying certificate management across different charging networks.


Certificate Provisioning Service (CPS) + certificate pools

Ensures cross-root interoperability for Plug & Charge, simplifying certificate management across different charging networks.

For vehicle OEM


Provide your customers with a seamless charging experience

Provisioning certificate issuance from a dedicated Tier-1 or Tier-2 Certificate Authority (CA)

Provisioning certificate storage in our Provisioning Certificate Pool (PCP)

Contract certificate download from our Contract Certificate Pool (CCP)

For CPOs


Attract more customers to your charging stations

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) certificate issuance from a dedicated Tier-1 or Tier-2 CA

Contract certificate download from our CCP



For e-Mobility Service Providers


Allow your customers to roam freely

Contract Certificate issuance from a dedicated Tier-1 or Tier-2 CA

Contract Certificate signing with our Certificate Provisioning Service (CPS)

Contract Certificate storage in our CCP



Learn more about Irdeto CrossCharge


A holistic approach to solving EV’s toughest ecosystem challenges


Empowering Secure EV Charging


Irdeto reshapes electric vehicle charging with Irdeto CrossCharge


Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks

Want to know more about our solutions? Contact us!