Video Gaming

[Free E-book] Pre-release playtesting and its security concerns: What is the solution?


Getting the first feedback from external parties through a public playtest for the unpublished title is critical for any game developer to polish their hard work after months, or years, of development. It is, however, also the point where the game can be abused, leading to the leakage of important information and causing damage to the future of the game. 

From the standpoint of the players, it is fantastic to learn about the game early on through the leaked information, as they have been waiting a long time for it. The perspective of the developers about game leaks, however, might not be as good. By why? 

Download our free e-book to learn: 

  • Steps involved in game development and the importance of game testing in this process 
  • What the security risks surrounding the pre-release phase and game testing are 
  • The damage game leaks can bring to the future of your game 
  • What developers can do to prevent their games from being leaked

Click here to get a free copy!

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